Home Ranch News Family Carries on Multi-Generational Giving to the United Way

Family Carries on Multi-Generational Giving to the United Way

Fourth Generation of North Perth Family Has Picked Up The Challenge to Give Back to the Community


The United Way Perth-Huron as an organization gets its strength from the commitment of donors and volunteers across Perth-Huron.

In North Perth, Tami Cressey and her daughter Keely Chauvin are carrying on a multi-generation tradition of support for the United Way.

Tami is the owner of Diana Sweets in Listowel. She says she’s proud to be a part of the United Way and that her Nan, Ila Rutledge ran two funded agencies of the United Way. She adds that it had an impact on so many lives and that she was raised with the same belief of the power of the United Way to help her community.

Ila ran the Distress Centre and Assaulted Women’s Hotline in Toronto.

Now a fourth generation is supporting the United Way as Tami’s daughter Keely has taken up her great grandmother’s challenge to give back to the community.

Helen Dowd, United Way Perth-Huron’s Manager of Community Development in North Perth says they are grateful to have such strong, generational support adding that by sharing the story other families will be inspired to take on the challenge of building their community through United Way.