Home Ranch News Dramatic Current Events Can Hit Kids Hard

Dramatic Current Events Can Hit Kids Hard

Parents need to be aware of what their children are taking in via various technologies


With students doing remote learning these days it means they have more access to social media and news online.

They witness things like what happened in Washington DC on Wednesday and sometimes they have questions or are really affected by what they see.

Chera Longston, Communications Manager at the Avon Maitland District School Board Education Centre says that learning in person is always the best for their students.

“We believe that learning in person is always best for our students. The social interaction and its impact on their mental well-being is invaluable. Online learning can work really well for some students, but not all. We also know that screen time should be limited (especially in young children) so the additional exposure to screens is not ideal.  Unfortunately, at this time, it is the next best thing to having face to face interaction with a child’s teacher and peers.”

She adds that parents need to keep an eye on what their kids are watching.

At any time, but specifically right now, we would encourage parents to stay informed on what their children are consuming in terms of news, social media, etc. As adults, we need to ensure that our children are made aware of current events from a lens that is age-appropriate and is not presented in a way that scares or makes children anxious. Instead, parents can focus on what children can control, such as practicing diligently the health measures put in place. This maintains a child’s confidence and ability to relax knowing they are taking appropriate action.

The Avon Maitland District covers Huron and Perth Counties and has over 160,000 residents call the Avon Maitland District their home.

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