Home Ranch News Detours for Whites Road & Dufferin Street Reconstruction in Palmerston see Slight...

Detours for Whites Road & Dufferin Street Reconstruction in Palmerston see Slight Shifts

Detours shifted to facilitate the excavation of Dufferin Street with Detour Routes 1 & 2 impacts, and 3 & 4 remaining the same.


The Town of Minto provided an update on the reconstruction of Whites Road & Dufferin Street in Palmerston.

In the update today they say that the detour to access the hospital has shifted to facilitate the excavation of Dufferin Street.

There are three possible detours including Detour 1 for traffic going to the hospital & clinic will be directed north on Brunswick from Main Street, then east on Daly and north on Whites.

Detour 2 for traffic leaving they will be taken south to Whites, then west to Boulton and then south on Brunswick.

Detour 3 and 4 have not changes for traffic between Harriston & Palmerston on Whites Road.

They are still to use Highway 23 and 3rd Line.

Full details of the detours is available from the Town of Minto website at the link below. (Map provided)
