Home Ranch News Deadline for Nominations for October 24th Municipal Election is This Friday by...

Deadline for Nominations for October 24th Municipal Election is This Friday by 2 pm

Town advises that their councillors spend an average of 46 to 61 hours per month on Town business.


All of the area municipalities including the Town of Minto are sharing reminders to those considering running for Municipal office or an area school board that the deadline for Nomination papers are this Friday by 2pm.

The Town of Minto advises that their councillors spend an average of 46 to 61 hours per month on Town business.

They meet on average two times per month.

In terms of pay remuneration varies by municipality but the Town of Minto sees the may receive a salary of $30,700 from the Town and $43,000 from the County of Wellington.

The Deputy Mayor receives $20,200 and each councillor $19,200.

For information on your Municipality just contact your local government office.