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CRTC set to introduce 9-8-8 as Direct Way to Reach Mental Crisis & Suicide Prevention Interventions


The Canadian Radio Television and Telecommunications Commission has announced it will be adopting the 9-8-8 number as a direct way to call or text for Canadians who are in need of immediately mental health crisis & suicide prevention intervention.

Once implemented by telephone & wireless providers, calls and texts to 988 would be directed to a mental health crisis or suicide prevention service free of charge.

The implementation of the easy-to-remember 3 digit number is aimed at reducing barriers to mental health and suicide prevention resources. The number will enable greater access regardless of location or socioeconomic statis. It will be available coast-to-coast and 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week free of charge and with no service provider need.

Barriers to full implementation is the requirement for full 10-digit dialing in all locations. Currently Newfoundland & Labrador, northern Ontario and Yellowknife still use 7 digit dialing. This transition is required to occur by May 31st of next year.

Once that has happened phone & wireless providers have 6 months to make the necessary changes to enable 988.