Mapleton Township continues to stand firm against being a host for a wind energy project.
Last fall council was informed of the project which they then turned to the public to share their thoughts and were updated this week.
Staff had contacted residents who own or rent property within a 2km radius of the Conestogo Wind Energy Project to get their feedback with 39 properties identified and over 50 per cent responding.
Martin Tamlyn, Climate Change Coordinator says from the responses it’s been more negative than positive.
“On perceptions of the planning process, 65% said the process wasn’t fair, 70% stated they believed their property value had decreased and 90% of those surveyed did not receive any financial return on those projects” said Tamlyn.
This is not the first time council said they would not be a willing host who in 2013 declared to be an unwilling host for further projects with council again voting to stay as an unwilling host for such projects.