Home Ranch News Community Resource Centre Launching Fundraising Campaign Friday

Community Resource Centre Launching Fundraising Campaign Friday

Goal to raise $30,000 by April 25th


The Community Resource Centre in Fergus is launching their first fundraising campaign on Friday.

The “text to give” campaign allows anyone to text the words CRC to 41010 which will allow you to make a donation to the resource centre.

Funds raised will help support everything the resource centre does from outreach and support services to EarlyOn Child and Family Care Centres across rural Wellington County.

Executive Director for the Community Resource Centre, Ron MacKinnon says, a donation is a great way to support local.

“A donation to the community resource centre is really an investment in your community. To help your fellow neighbours that are struggling.” said MacKinnon

The goal is to raise $30,000 by the end date on April 25th.