Home Ranch News Closing Remarks Post Perth-Wellington Election

Closing Remarks Post Perth-Wellington Election

Nater setting the tasks ahead of him to serve the people of Perth-Wellington


With the election wrapped up in Perth-Wellington, results showed incumbent John Nater strongly got the support from the people needed to secure a third term.

John Nater says he is very humbled to have received such strong continued support and knows there is a large responsibility ahead to ensure the trust stays.

“It’s a great honour to have received the support and with that honour its a great responsibility as well. I hope for the months and years to come I’m able to live up to the trust people have put into me.” said Nater.

NDP Candidate Kevin Kruchkywich says he took time to congratulate Nater and Brenden Knight on well run campaigns.

“They ran good campaigns and I think we all really put a focus on trying to run a positive campaign. Holding each other to account but running a positive campaign. We had a really good conversation”

Brendan Knight, Liberal candidate thanking those who voted and volunteered for his team.

People’s Party candidate, Wayne Baker writing in a release the party has already won regardless of the outcome as their win comes from the number of people they have met since the start of the race they can call friends.