Home Ranch News Chapmans Icecream Pledging $50,000 in National Writing Competition

Chapmans Icecream Pledging $50,000 in National Writing Competition

Contest helps raise funds for Habitat for Humanity Canada


Chapman’s Icecream is showing their support for Habitat for Humanity’s Meaning of Home contest.

Chapman’s is pledging $50,000 to the national writing competition for grade four, five and six students.

The contest helps raise funds for Habitat for Humanity Canada and local Habitat organizations in the country.

Vice President, Ashley Chapman writing in a release “Our contribution will open this possibility to many more Canadians who dream of ‘home’ in a way many of us take for granted.” 12,000 students in Canada took part in the contest last year raising $300,000.

More information is available at MeaningOfHome.ca