Here4Hope has announced Chantelle Koeslag has been named as the 2024 Neil Dunsmore Power of One Award.
The annual award recognizes an individual from Wellington County whose actions have made an impact in promoting life and preventing suicide.
Chantelle was nominated for the award after one of her patients had ongoing struggles with mental health and suicidal idealization.
Chantelle’s patient and nominator says she didn’t try to fix it, distract them or steamroll them with the bright sat, she simply sat on the floor with them and listened, being the first person to truly make them feel safe in the world and that they were a valuable and worthy person.
The award named after Neil Dunsmore marked as Dunsmore in the fall of 2020 walked 500km from Elora to Ottawa during his “Steps to Stop the Silence” campaign which saw proceeds support the Cody Sheppard project.
Chantelle will be receiving the award at a county council meeting on September 26th.