Home Ranch News Centre Wellington Lifts State of Emergency

Centre Wellington Lifts State of Emergency

Special powers also removed from Mayor and CAO


Centre Wellington council has voted to lift their state of emergency and with so, rescinding the special powers given to the Mayor and CAO.

Wellington County is set to lift the state of emergency on December 31st which Centre Wellington was planning to follow suite but council decided to go ahead early, despite some protest from Mayor Kelly Linton.

“The state of emergency will end across the county as of December 31st so we can go into the New Year without a state of emergency in place.” said Linton.

Councilor Steven VanLeeuwen says at this time, there isn’t a need for emergency powers.

“There’s no need at this point for these emergency powers. We should look at the emergency powers as something that is a very crucial decision. We’ve been elected to represent the people.”

Mayor Linton and Councilor Neil Dunsmore were the only voters against the motion.