Home Ranch News Celebrate North Perth and Norm Stirling Volunteer Winners Announced

Celebrate North Perth and Norm Stirling Volunteer Winners Announced

Awards given prior to the start of council


The 2021 Norm Stirling Volunteer Award and Celebrate North Perth Inspiration Awards were given out last night before the start of the weekly council meeting.

Dr. Lisa Trojnar is the 2021 Celebrate North Perth Inspiration winner. Dr. Trojnar nomination info says she has been a key driver and workhorse behind Listowel’s successful COVID-19 strategy.

When COVID-19 vaccines became available for those to get a dose, setting up clinics became a challenge due to the required storage for the vaccines. Dr. Trojnar spent hours learning the details with providers in Stratford to secure vaccines and have clinics in Listowel and ensured those who wanted a dose would receive one.

“Dr. Trojnar went above and beyond in the vaccination effort and it feels right that the community would celebrate this.” said Todd Kasenberg

The 2nd North Perth Inspiration Award was given Abha Dayal, an individual who is always available to support locals and inspires many young members in the community. Dayal has managed to maintain business leadership over the past 2 years.

“She should be recognized since she has been an inspiration to many in our community.” said Doug Kellum.

Ray and Diane Homewood were named the Norm Stirling Volunteer Award winners.

The nominator wrote, both Ray and Diane are amazing examples of what it means to support the community for where you live with their countless levels of generosity.

There is a handful of community involvement for both Ray and Diane including, coordinators for the Salvation Army Kettle Drive for many years.

Both have volunteers in over 35 COVID-19 vaccine clinics across Perth County.

Both also deliver for meals on wheels on top of many other volunteer work they continue to do.

Ray and Diane both shared their love for the community.

“We appreciate the many many individuals, organizations and service groups who serve North Perth. We are humbled to be recognized for our own tiny contributions.”