Home Ranch News Capacity Limits Reduced, Booster Dose Eligibility Opens Up

Capacity Limits Reduced, Booster Dose Eligibility Opens Up

Gatherings reduced, third doses available to those 18 and up


Capacity limits have returned in Ontario for stadiums, concerts and other venues which hold more than 1000.

Capacity is set to 50 per cent in an effort to slow the spread of the Omicron COVID-19 variant.

Restaurants, retails and other indoor settings are also seeing a reduction in capacity limits with a cap on indoor gatherings from 25 to 10 people.

Outdoor gatherings have dropped from 100 to 25 as well.

As of 12:01am this morning, any resident in Ontario 18 and up is eligible for a COVID-19 booster vaccine dose.

These vaccines are available at clinics and select pharmacies so long as enough time has passed from their 2nd dose. The interval between first, second and a booster dose has been shorted to 84 days.

Those looking to check availability for a booster dose can visit HPPH.ca/thirddose.

In response Huron-Perth Public Health is adding more clinics can bookings can be done from public health’s website