Home Ranch News Bruce Power Donates Freezer for COVID-19 Vaccine to HPPH

Bruce Power Donates Freezer for COVID-19 Vaccine to HPPH

Freezer unit will allow Huron-Perth Public Health to continue vaccine program


Bruce Power has donated a freezer for the purpose of storing Pfizers COVID-19 vaccine to Huron-Perth Public Health.

The freezer will be kept at the Health Unit Clinton location. Dr. Miriam Klassen, Medical Officer of Health for Huron-Perth Public Health says this new freezer will allow them to vaccinate those in need much more quicker.

“We are grateful to have the support of Bruce Power as we continue this important phase of protecting the public against COVID-19.” said Dr. Klassen. “Having access to this freezer unit will facilitate the continued rollout of our local vaccine program.”

Klassen added there is light at the end of the tunnel and we all must continue to do our part to get there safely

Bruce Power has also donated a similar freezer to the Grey-Bruce Health Unit as their vaccination rollout program is set to begin.