Home Ranch News Britespan in Wingham running Spring Outer Clothing Drive until April 28th

Britespan in Wingham running Spring Outer Clothing Drive until April 28th

New or getly used, clean spring jackets, slush pants, hats and rubber boots can be dropped off at their Fabric Facility at 688 Josephine Street.


The Community Engagement Team at Britespan in Wingham is undertaking a Spring Outer Clothing Drive until April 28th.

They are asking anyone that may have new or getly used, clean spring jackets, slush pants, hats and rubber boots to drop them off at their Fabric Facility at 688 Josephine Street or you can call Stephanie Kaster-Towton at 519-912-1001 if you have any questions.

They are looking to help kids and families in the area that do not have these items leading into spring.