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Brenden Knight Looks to Support Climate, Child Care and Tourism in MP Race

Knight representing Liberal party for Perth-Wellington


Since 2004, the riding of Perth-Wellington has been held down by the Conservative party.

As Canadians head to the polls on September 20th, the race is on to see if the colour will change locally. Liberal candidate Brenden Knight is putting his hat in the race to represent the red.

Knight who resides in Stratford has been involved with the Liberal party for many years. Knight says part of the plan is continuing the road to recovery and ensuring the region has a voice for various plans such as climate change.

“The representative should be supporting climate change. Addressing the specific needs that we need here in a rural riding and make sure they are in the plan to fight them.” said Knight

Ensuring affordable child care and supporting local tourism are among other key parts of the Liberal plan within Perth-Wellington.

Knight adds its important to have a rural voice to benefit agriculture when certain policies go forward.

“When these policies are made or better yet implemented that there is a representative who is not just opposing every measure that goes forward but making sure they address the specific circumstances within a rural riding.”

To learn more about the Liberal parties plan for Perth-Wellington you can contact [email protected]