Home Ranch News Black and White Dog Still at Large in Stratford

Black and White Dog Still at Large in Stratford

Dog owner given two tickets each at $110


The Stratford-Perth Humane Society’s animal control officers are still looking into a large, black and white dog which has been seen running loose across Stratford for several weeks now.

In a release, the humane society says many residents have reported seeing a dog running across the city at night and in the early morning hours while residents share their concerns on the welfare of the dog.

A post was first shared on January 14th to a community group on Facebook of a black and white border collie running loose on Romeo Street South.

While the dog still runs loose, officers have spoken with the owner who has been issued two tickets, each a fine for $110 for allowing an animal to be at large.

Current Ontario bylaw does not allow a pet to be taken away from its owner because its at large.