Home Ranch News Big Brothers Big Sisters Golf for Kids Sake Set for June

Big Brothers Big Sisters Golf for Kids Sake Set for June

Teams of four or less welcomed at $125 per player


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Listowel isn’t slowing down with their events.

Golf for Kids Sake at the Listowel Golf Club is set for June 24th with teams now welcome to register.

Golfers will be playing on both the Vintage & Heritage courses with start times from 9am-10:50am.

Mallory Fennel from Big Brothers Big Sisters says proceeds from the event will go back to their mentoring program.

“That will allow us to really call on volunteers and advertise our mentoring program to pull in those who are in need in our communities” said Fennel.

Teams of 4 or less are welcome at $125 per play which includes 18 holes, a cart, lunch and more.

To register or for more information visit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Listowel on Facebook.