Home Ranch News Second doses available to those receiving first May 30th or earlier

Second doses available to those receiving first May 30th or earlier

mRNA type vaccines are interchangeable so if you receive one for 1st you can receive other for 2nd


Huron Perth Public Health updated the eligibility for second doses of Covid-19 vaccine following the revision of provincial guidelines.

Stating today anyone who received their first dose of mRNA vaccine such as Pfizer or Moderna on or before May 30th can book their 2nd dose appointment for a future HPPH clinic at the shortened interval.

Either of the types of that vaccine are interchangeable so if you received one as your first you are able to receive the other as the second.

Being fully vaccinated is very important says Medical Officer of Health for Huron Perth Dr. Miriam Klassen.

She adds that it provides a safe and highly effective protection against Covid-19 and it’s variants.

To confirm eligibilty for your second dose and book an appointment visit hpph.ca/vaccinebooking.

HPPH reminds residents to always cancel a vaccination appointment if you are able to receive it somewhere else.

The no show and missed appointments were approaching 6% of all booking prior to the launch of a new easier online cancellation system by HPPH.