Home Ranch News AMDSB Set for Back to School

AMDSB Set for Back to School


In just less than a week, students will be back in the classrooms and the Avon Maitland District School Board has kept preparing.

Behind the scenes over the summer the school board handles various interior construction with the senior staff planning an entire year of schoolwork.

Director of Education Lisa Walsh says this level of planning boils down to years of work in their strategic plan.


Heading into the next school year, some changes have been made to the curriculum such as now requiring students to learn cursive handwriting and as Walsh says, there will be a variety of new changes for certain grades.

What has been seen and is on the upward trend is a growing population and the school board has taken note of this and action has already been taken with boundary reviews.

Walsh notes with one in North Perth complete, they’re taking a keen notice in a review for Stratford.

Students return to school next Wednesday with September 5th acting as a PA day to prepare staff for students to return to the classroom.