Home Ranch News Council Standing Ground on Decommissioning Old Pool

Council Standing Ground on Decommissioning Old Pool


Wellington North council is standing its ground on the plan to scrap the Mount Forest Pool and build a new one despite the community raising to save the old pool.

An online petition which has now gained over 600 signatures to repair the old pool instead of decommission is still looking to get more support with some residents attending council to voice their hopes to save the pool.

Councilor Penny Renken, responding to a delegate says its not just the condition of the pool for the closure but also for parking and accessibility.

Mayor Andy Lennox says right now there doesn’t seem to be much of an advantage of repairing the old pool over constructing a new one.

“To this point I have seen no new information presented that would give me any reason to believe that repairing the old pool to a standard that would meet todays requirements would be anywhere close to being competitive with constructing a new pool.” said Lennox.

Council has reaffirmed their plan to scrap the Lion Roy Grant Pool and build a new one at a new location.