Home Ranch News Construction Continues at Listowel Memorial Park

Construction Continues at Listowel Memorial Park


Construction is very much underway at the Listowel Memorial Park which broke ground in May.

The committee fundraising all started in September 2022 and in that time has launched multiple successful events from car shows, bbqs, the agricultural fair and now a clothing line has launched with Remember 1959.

Jerry Rozendal, Chairman of the Listowel Memorial Park Committee says when the park is complete, it will leave something the community and enjoy while also honouring the lives lost in the 1959 arena collapse.

“A big granite memorial that contains the names of the 8 victims of the collapse. At the base of the memorial there is 8 pairs of bronze skates, there is a harvest table, multiple benches, a naturalized playground with amble parking. We also have an area at the front of the park we hope to hold farmers markets.” said Rozendal.

A goal of $1.4 million has been set by the committee who has reached around 65 per cent of their goal.