Home Ranch News North Perth Fire Wraps Up Line 87 Fire After 17 Hours

North Perth Fire Wraps Up Line 87 Fire After 17 Hours


After more than 17 hours on the scene, North Perth Fire crews returned back to their quarters after battling a blaze on Line 87.

North Perth Fire has issued out reminders for residents following the fire.

The department showed their gratefulness to the owners of the property for quickly dialing 911 and providing useful information about the fire.

Firefighters however still highlighted some issues when it came to the closed road and constant movement of emergency vehicles.

Drivers are reminded a road closed sign is not a suggestion and to not drive around barricades as you are putting yourself and others at risk.

Drivers are also being told to slow down and move over for emergency vehicles when they see flashing lights.

Fire trucks were regularly on Road 164 from Line 87 to the Food Basics parking lot hauling water from hydrants to the scene.

Despite the long hours from crews, the fire was contained with no livestock lost or any injuries.