Home Ranch News CFUW holding Upcoming Climate Momentum Discussions at Stratford Library & Via Zoom

CFUW holding Upcoming Climate Momentum Discussions at Stratford Library & Via Zoom

Upcoming sessions include economic opportunities of going green Sept 21st, October 19th on resisting climate doom and November 16th on celebrating holidays sustainably.


The Canadian Federation of University Women Stratford Chapter shared word of an upcoming series of Climate Momentum Discussions in Stratford.

The events are set to take place in the Library Auditorium or virtually via zoom from 6:30 until 8 pm.

The upcoming dates are September 21st with economic opportunities of going green, October 19th on resisting climate doom and November 16th on celebrating the holidays sustainably.

You can find the link to register to attend either in-person or virtually at the CFUW Stratford page on Facebook.