Home Ranch News North Perth Discusses HR Strategy as Recruitment Faces Rising Issues

North Perth Discusses HR Strategy as Recruitment Faces Rising Issues

Poached staff and incoming retirees a growing issue


North Perth council met to discuss certain issues which have been rising in the area over the past 24 months, staff recruitment and retention.

This has mostly been seen in Children Services, Public Works and facility departments.

As a generation prepares to exit and a new generation waves in for work, Human Resources and the HR Committee with Ward & Uptigrove have developed an HR Strategy to prepare North Perth for the future.

Carrie Sharpin, Human Resources Professional with Ward & Uptigrove says the municipality needs a strategy before things get to a level they aren’t prepared.

“There should be some concern over the fact competition for labour and the price of labour is increasing and it stands to get much worse.” said Sharpin.

Councilor Matt Richardson was very much in favour the the strategy, adding by doing nothing, the municipality could face severe trouble.

“We could be several resignations away not be able to fill them and we would be in a totally different world. If we thought COVID  has turned things upside down now, the municipality could be in a different realm if we lost a handful of key staff right now.” said Richardson.

Council approved all recommendations presented in the meeting including the approval of the HR Mission/Vision and 2022 HR Workplan..

The full discussion regarding the introduction of the HR Strategy can be found from the North Perth YouTube Channel.