Home Ranch News Downtown Business Addresses Council Regarding Wallace One Way

Downtown Business Addresses Council Regarding Wallace One Way

Bakelaar says removing parking discourages some shoppers such as seniors


During Monday’s council meeting, North Perth heard from Tim Bakelaar of Bakelaars Jewelers in downtown Listowel.

Bakelaar is voicing his concern regarding what he and some residents have called negative impacts regarding traffic in downtown Listowel, specifically the one way on Wallace.

While Bakelaar did mention the positives such as pedestrian crosswalk and four way stop additions in town, he adds limiting and removing downtown parking will damage small business, especially for seniors and young families to get downtown and shop.

Bakelaar says the one way causes congestion for those who want to shop.

“The largest subdivision of Listowel comes down Wallace to shop downtown or proceed to the north side of town. The removal of this traffic flow has residents turning left or right onto Elma and then turning left or right onto Main Street, adding to the congestion you are concerned with.” said Bakelaar.

Council accepted the statement from Tim Bakelaar, saying council would hold more consultations and include a public information session in the near future.

Tim Bakelaars full statement can be read here, Town Council – Sept 13, 2021.