Home Ranch News Province announces mandatory vaccination policies for high risk settings

Province announces mandatory vaccination policies for high risk settings

Fields impacted included health care, education, retirement homes, shelters and group homes


The Provincial Health Authority through it’s Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore announced changes to vaccination policies in Ontario.

They are first pausing the exit to the roadmap to reopen until vaccination rates increase in the Province.

They are also making Covid-19 vaccination policies mandatory in some high-risk settings similar to the one already in place in long term care homes and mean that as of September 7th workers must show proof of vaccination or a legitimate medical exemption.

If they still remain unvaccinated they will face regular testing prior to starting work.

The government is not mandating everyone receive Covid-19 vaccine.

Fields impacted included health care, education institutions including post-secondary, retirement homes, shelters, group homes and day programs for adults with developmental disabilities.

The province is also going to begin 3rd booster shots for select elderly and vulnerable groups.

And youth born in 2009 will be eligible to be vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine regardless of when they turn 12.