Home Ranch News North Perth conducting an Off-Road Vehicle Survey

North Perth conducting an Off-Road Vehicle Survey

Residents can share their opinions on ORV usage on area roadways


The Municipality of North Perth is conducting a survey of Off-Road Vehicles such as All-Terrain Vehicles.

They are becoming a popular recreational activity in the area.

With recent changes made to provincial legislation around ORV use on highways, North Perth Council has decided it’s time to consider adopting a Municipal By-Law relating to ORV use on municipal roadways.

Over the next few months, Council and staff will take a closer look at the current rules around ORV use, focusing on approved and restricted areas.

The goal is to provide Council with recommendations based on research and public consultation that expand and enhance ORV use activities across North Perth.

You can share your opinion on the topic by completing the Off-Road Vehicle Survey via the link below.

Survey closes Monday, June 7th, 2021 at 4:30pm
