Home Ranch News Centre Wellington Council Adjourns 10 Minutes In

Centre Wellington Council Adjourns 10 Minutes In


Centre Wellington council couldn’t even get 10 minutes in their recent meeting.

At the start of the meeting councilor Kirk McElwain asked if a resolution on an item could be divided in two parts to allow council to discus and vote on separate parts.

The item in question was regarding attainable housing with the townships Healthy Growth Committee.

When it came to vote the items came down to a tie. Councilor Bob Foster and Stephen Kitras voting in favour while Mayor Linton and Neil Dunsmore and Ian MacRae voting against, which shot down the motion.

When it moved to approving the agenda, again a 3 way tie as McElwain, Foster and Kitras voting against and Mayor Linton, Dunsmore and MacRae voting in favour.

Without an agenda, there was no point in going forward.

“We knew what we were voting on and voted. Now we voted and don’t have have an agenda so we don’t have a meeting” said Mayor Linton

Councilor Foster spoke saying council should reconsider allowing the separate discussions on attainable housing due to size of the item.

Council will meet again April 26th