Home Ranch News Harriston RBC and Canadian Mental Health Association Run Online Sessions

Harriston RBC and Canadian Mental Health Association Run Online Sessions

Seperate sessions on mental health impact, healthy communication and burnout


As the pandemic continues, residents mental health continues to be the big topic of discussion.

Harriston RBC has stepped forward to help with three sessions with the Canadian Mental Health Association designed to help those struggling with burnout, maintaining healthy communication and factors impacting our mental health.

Session one chatting about burnout will be hosted on February 2nd from 12-1pm with a 2nd time from 7-8pm. The 2nd session tackling healthy communcation will be Tuesday February 23rd from 12-1pm with the final session on mental health impacts on March 9th from 12-1pm.

Session one registration https://rbcteams.webex.com/rbcteams/onstage/g.php?MTID=e9a6883f8d1cfba455ae7bd9dbad44324

Session two registration https://rbcteams.webex.com/rbcteams/onstage/g.php?MTID=ebc368cce62f418560d8039359bb51e67

Session three registration https://rbcteams.webex.com/rbcteams/onstage/g.php?MTID=ef1fc9129a1c0a85e6031de3a4ef5bed7