Home Ranch News GOJHL Season Start Pushed to January

GOJHL Season Start Pushed to January

Season will now tentatively start January 15th


While on the right track to get the season going in the safest way possible, the GOJHL is pushing back their start date.

Originally planned in just a few weeks, the season is not set to start until January 15th. awaiting approval from public health. The schedule for each team will be released once they have a finalized start date.

Various rules have been set in place since getting approval from the Ontario Hockey Federation. Players will be screened before they enter any arena, masks will need to be worn at all times, including underneath their cages, no body contact will be permitted and there will be no scrums after whistles.

Each team and arena must follow the rules as set by their local health unit. Across the league there are 12 different health units with their own guidelines visiting teams will need to abide by. Certain rules such as only having 10 skaters