Home Ranch News 9 new cases of Covid-19 announced in Huron Perth on Saturday

9 new cases of Covid-19 announced in Huron Perth on Saturday


Huron Perth Public Health did their last update for the week today. They announced that there were 9 new cases of Covid-19 in Huron Perth.

The breakdown in Huron is 2 in Central Huron and 1 in South Huron.

In Perth there were 2 in North Perth and 1 in Perth East, West Perth, St. Marys and Stratford.

Active cases sit at 111.

Active outbreaks at Retirement homes sit at 7 and Retirement homes at 2.

Stratford Hospital has an outbreak active as of Friday. They have 3 staff cases.

Full details of today’s update can be found at the Huron Perth Public Health Tableau Public page:
