Home Ranch News 81 Petals Florists raffling Magnolia Garland in Support of It Takes a...

81 Petals Florists raffling Magnolia Garland in Support of It Takes a Village

Tickets for the raffle are $5 each or 5 for $20. They can be purchased by DMing 81 Petals or visiting their tent at the Upcoming Handmade Christmas Market this weekend.


Local florist Amanda Cleland at 81 Petals says she is a person who loves Christmas. Each year she says she tries to pick a giving project to donate to.

Recently she picked up a 10 foot magnolia garland that she is raffling off in support of It Takes A Village in Listowel.

She says it can be displayed around a doorway, a table runner, along a staircase, on a mantle and more.

Tickets are just $5 each or 5 for $20.

You can direct message Amanda at 81 Petals, or purchase them at her tent at the Handmade Christmas Market in Listowel on Saturday and Sunday between 10 am and 6pm at Backwood Timber Creations.

The draw will be at 7 pm Sunday.