Home Ranch News 2023 IPM launch Sign at Future Site of Event Sept. 19th to...

2023 IPM launch Sign at Future Site of Event Sept. 19th to 23rd

Event attracts over 80,000 people offering several attractions including plowing fields, tented city, RV park & classic wagon rides.


The local organizers of the upcoming 2023 International Plowing Match & Rural Expo shared a photo of its sign at the event site in the Countryside of Dufferin County.

The event from September 19th to 23rd in Bowling Green, between Grand Valley and Laurel, is the largest show of its kind in North America.

The event attracts over 80,000 people offering several attractions including the plowing fields, tented city, RV park and the classic wagon rides.

For more information you can find the link to the 2023 IPM site below.
