Home Ranch News 13 Projects across Perth Wellington share $2.1 million in funding

13 Projects across Perth Wellington share $2.1 million in funding

Funding received for every municipality in Perth-Wellington


Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece announced that thirteen projects across Perth-Wellington will share $2.1 million in federal and provincial funding to improve local municipal infrastructure.

The funding comes from the Covid-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program.

Projects in every municipality of Perth-Wellington will receive funding.

Funding will support development in modern and accessible recreation spaces and replacement of equipment in health and emergency facilities. Additional investments will support active transportation and renovation of municipal buildings and community centres.

Organization Project Name Provincial Funding Federal Funding Total Eligible cost Detailed Project Description
Township of Perth East Hands Free Modification at Perth East Recreation Complex $ 20,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 100,000.00 The project will install no touch technology at high touch surfaces in the Perth East Recreation Complex in Perth East, Ontario to reduce the COVID-19 transmission risk. The work will involve installing no touch motion detectors on 31 faucets, 32 toilets, 10 urinals, 20

lights and 15


Township of Mapleton Retrofit of

Washrooms and A/V Equipment in PMD Arena

$ 20,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 100,000.00 The project will install audio-visual equipment and create barrier-free washrooms at an arena.
Municipality of West Perth Municipal Administration office Upgrade $ 32,024.80 $ 128,099.20 $ 160,124.00 The project will retrofit the municipal office in West Perth, Ontario to reduce the COVID-19 transmission risk. The work will involve upgrading the ventilation system and reorganizing the building layout to better promote social distancing.
Township of Perth South Rehabilitation of the Administrative office $ 20,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 100,000.00 The project will retrofit, repair, and upgrade an administrative building in St. Pauls, a hamlet in Perth South, Ontario. The work will involve installing a new efficient design that includes barrier-free office space and storage, removing interior partition walls, fixtures and drywall, and installing energy

efficient lighting.

Town of St. Marys Replacement of HVAC Units – Pyramid Centre $ 25,339.40 $ 101,357.60 $ 126,697.00 The project will replace four roof-top HVAC units (two for change rooms servicing the ice rink, one for the change room servicing swimming pool, one for the common area) at the Pyramid Centre in St. Marys, Ontario.
Town of Minto Installation of Walkable OR Standard Sidewalks $ 26,800.00 $ 107,200.00 $ 134,000.00 The project will promote active transportation by constructing 1,340 metres of new, accessible

sidewalks in Minto, Ontario.

County of Perth Renovation of Perth County Paramedic Headquarters $ 14,400.00 $ 57,600.00 $ 72,000.00 The project will renovate the open- concept office space and upgrade the HVAC system at the paramedic headquarters in Perth, Ontario. The work will involve adding walls and glass barriers to separate four offices from the hallway and from

each other.

City of Stratford T.J. Dolan Drive Multi- Use Trail $ 70,703.54 $ 282,814.18 $ 353,517.72 The project will construct a new, multi-use trail in Stratford, Ontario. The work will involve removing and disposing of the existing roadway, constructing a new multi-use trail, installing bollards at entrances to limit vehicle access, updating connecting sidewalks, and installing park benches and bike racks.
Municipality of North Perth North Perth Trail System Repair and Development $ 33,545.20 $ 134,180.80 $ 167,726.00 The project will develop a new trail, repair two pedestrian bridges, and install a portable washroom in North

Perth, Ontario.

Township of Wellington North Mount Forest and District Sports Complex Generator $ 29,000.00 $ 116,000.00 $ 145,000.00 The project will install a generator at the Mount Forest and District Sports Complex in Wellington North,


County of Perth Perth County Courthouse Renovation $ 16,541.00 $ 66,164.00 $ 82,705.00 The project will install a new wall, door, security access system and audio-visual equipment at the

courthouse in Perth, Ontario.

Township of Wellington North Arthur Sidewalk Development and Expansion $ 10,904.20 $ 43,616.80 $ 54,521.00 The project will expand and develop the Arthur sidewalk in Wellington North, Ontario to

improve the accessibility and extent of the active transportation network. The work will involve constructing a choker lane to calm traffic, installing 10 sidewalk texturing pads and adding 350 metres of sidewalk.

County of Wellington UV Air Purification at County Facilities $ 114,005.80 $ 456,023.20 $ 570,029.00 The project will install UV air purification systems at 33 municipal buildings in Wellington, Ontario.
Total $ 433,263.94 $ 2,166,319.72