The zones are sections of roadway where public safety is of special concern and speeding fines are doubled.
The initiative aims to modify driver behaviour and enhance public safety by encouraging slower speeds.
The decision on what roads to make CSZ’s were done with Dillion Consulting, where the County evaluated 48 road segments through Wellington County. Things such as a risk factor scoring system were used.
Community Safety Locations are:
- Fergus: Wellington Road 18 (Belsyde Ave. E) from Highway 6 (Tower St. S) to McTavish Street
- Elora: Wellington Road 18 (East Mill St.) from Chapel Street to Kertland Street
- Elora: Wellington Road 7 from Wellington Road 21 (McNab St.) to Speers Road
- Hillsburgh: Wellington Road 24 (Trafalgar Road) from Church Street to 75 metres north of Jane Street
- Erin: Wellington Road 124 (Main St.) from East Church Street to Millwood Road
- Drayton: Wellington Road 11 (Wellington St. S) from Andrews Drive to Spring Street
- Palmertson: Wellington Road 123 (Main St.) from Henry Street to York Street
- Aberfoyle: Wellington Road 46 (Brock Road S) from 225 metres north of Old Brock Road to 300 metres south of Old Brock Road
- Mount Forest: Wellington Road 6 (Sligo Road E) from 50 metres west of Church Street North to 125 metres west of London Road North