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PC Connect Rural Route Future in Question Near End of Trail Period

The future of PC Connect’s rural route program is up in the air and was among Perth County council discussion on Thursday.

The PC Connect Rural Route will complete its pilot period on March 31st next year and will see the end of full provincial funding and discussion was needed as they prepare for the 2025 budget and make choices to plan for any extension of the route for 2025 or end the program.

In 2023, rural route B which connected Stratford, Mitchell, Perth South and St Marys was discontinued due to low ridership.

Justin Dias, Economic Development Officer for Perth County says they’re taking making steps for community engagement.

“A community impact survey so through online means, social media, our municipal partners. We’ll have a printed survey distributed through our rural route buses, municipal offices and community partners would also be interested in having copies at their locations.” said Dias.

Council has directed staff to move ahead with public engagement regarding the future of the rural route transit service.

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