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How to Teach Everyday People About Agriculture

Outside of the people who grow crops, raise livestock, and practice agriculture on a daily basis, there isn’t a lot of agriculture education in the world. Too many people tend to take food production for granted and don’t know much about the process. Is there a way to change this? Well, for starters, people have to be willing to learn more about agriculture. But the methods used to reach them also matter. Whether it’s students who might consider a career in farming or ordinary people with an interest in learning more, here are some of the best ways for everyday people to learn more about agriculture.

Farms Hosting Tours

Farms can be both a source of food and education. More farms of all sizes should consider giving tours of their property and discussing their practices. This is particularly helpful for K-12 students to get them thinking about agriculture from a young age. However, farms can also be considered a low-cost tourist destination for some people. They can peel back the curtain a little and come up with a few activities that visitors can participate in that are enjoyable and increase their agricultural knowledge. This can also be a good way to drive publicity and business to a farm, so there are multiple benefits to farms offering tours.

Book Clubs

There are countless books that dive deep into both the history of agriculture and modern-day practices. The trick is getting people from outside the agriculture industry to read these books and increase their knowledge of agricultural practices. This is where book clubs can play a role. Most clubs are filled with people who are eager to learn about new things and expand their horizons. Anyone in a book club should suggest the group reads a book related to agriculture in some way. Many books in this genre can be entertaining as well as informative, giving readers a little insight into how farms function.

Community Gardens

Finding a way to engage with a community is critical to teaching and sharing knowledge no matter what the subject. For anyone with agricultural knowledge, participating in community gardens is a good way to pass on that knowledge. Community gardens provide a setting to meet people who are curious and willing to learn more about how plants grow and how the agricultural process works. Of course, many participants are just amateurs or new to gardening. But if more people with extensive agricultural knowledge spend more time at community gardens and get to know other gardeners, they can pass on what they know and teach others about agriculture on a bigger scale.


Believe it or not, games can be a great source of agricultural knowledge. If nothing else, they can spark greater interest in learning about agriculture. Games like Farm Ville have become popular on social media sites while games like Farm Fortune, Golden Farm, and Money Farm can be found at online casinos. The creators of these types of games made sure they were realistic and educational while also being enjoyable, sparking interest in learning more about real-world agriculture. With a large selection of casino apps available to everyone, it’s easy for anyone to enjoy these types of games and start learning more about agriculture whether they mean to or not.

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