The test is part of the Ministry of Transportation’s new pilot project legally referring to them as “golf cars”. It sets out a regulatory framework to allow them on roads on Pelee Island and in Huron-Kinloss and includes operator and vehicle requirements.
These requirements include:
- being limited form exceeding 32 kilometers or greater
- the driver must have a A,B,C,D,E,F, or G drivers license
- they can only be driven through intersections with highways with a limit higher than 50 if controlled by a traffic control or stop signal
- driven in the right-hand lane or as close to the right hand curb or edge of roadway
- no passenger can be younger than 8 years old
- must have seat positions for all passengers
- can not tow another vehicle
- slow moving vehicle attached to rear of golf car
- cannot be driven on roads during months from December to March
For full regulations refer to the Huron-Kinloss by-law document below.