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Farmland Severance Dropped by the Province

The province is backing down from a proposed policy change which would have opened agriculture land in Ontario for housing development, including in Wellington County.

Before the province backed down local politicians were set off and quickly took time in their separate council meetings to speak out against the move from the province.

Steve McCabe, the ROMA Zone 2 Chair says the reversal of the farmland severance is a positive move but the issue of urban settlements remains.

“We have already set aside lands for urban expansion and we don’t need the province to come in and say ‘actually you need this.’ Our township (Wellington North) has plans for urban expansion and that’s why we didn’t get hit with very much but so does Centre Wellington and they got hit with over 1000 acres.” said McCabe

In an emailed statement with The Ranch Newsroom, MPP Matthew Rae says he had received many phone calls and emails from local farmers concerned on the change, adding as someone who grew up on a dairy farm in Wellington County he understands the importance of agriculture land and after hearing from stakeholders, they would not move forward with proposed rural lot severances.

“The proposed PPS (Provincial Planning Statement) is still under consultation, which has been extended to August 4th, 2023. This is an important process that allows Ontarians to voice their concerns on the proposed PPS.

I encourage anyone who has an interest in this posting to submit a comment by the deadline. Those who would like to submit a comment to the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) can do so online.” said Rae in a statement.

McCabe says the next steps on thing such as the PPS is more consultations and to continue to ask questions to the province.

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